
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
Unclench: Letting Go of Fear and Worry
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
Every day, I see people and communities paralyzed by fear and worry. Folks who dream big dreams for themselves, folks who want to live differently, folks who want to open their heart and their life, but are too afraid of the bad things that might happen—sometimes with good reason, or painful past experience. Reflections on forgiveness, courage, and letting go so we can go on.

Monday Sep 17, 2012
Why Our Hospitality Must Be Radical
Monday Sep 17, 2012
Monday Sep 17, 2012
It’s not too hard to be hospitable to folks who are just like us. But to reach out to someone whose life, ideas, and identity is different from our own takes a higher level of intentionality. We have to go to the root of our common humanity. Radical means “of the root.”

Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Being Human: From Loneliness to Communion
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
We long to connect with others, but we can be unsure about how, and fearful about vulnerability. Through the practice of radical hospitality, we can open our heart so that we can move from loneliness to connection and community.

Thursday Aug 30, 2012
Journey Home
Thursday Aug 30, 2012
Thursday Aug 30, 2012
Welcome home. As we kick-off another church and school year, we’ll celebrate the journey and the home base that makes journey possible.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Being Human: Service
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
We have within us a desire to serve - to make the world better, to give back, to do something of meaning. We can sometimes be overwhelmed by the need or the work. How do we find the balance between our desire to serve and the weight of the need? How can we make of our lives service that matters?

Monday Aug 13, 2012
Monday Aug 13, 2012
Monday Aug 13, 2012
August 12
10:00 a.m.
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson-Doyle
Edwin Friedman, the scholar of human and family systems, has written about how the crisis in leadership in our age is “a failure of nerve.” Others, like Ronald Heifetz, have echoed this in their writing about leadership - that leaders lack the courage to imagine new ideas and carry them through; and that our hyper-reactivity is damaging the essential capacity for leadership. We’ll reflect together on the subject of “nerve” and what it takes to lead in our age and our place.

Monday Jul 30, 2012
Relationships as Spiritual Practice
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Relationships as Spiritual Practice
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson-Doyle
Mostly what we human beings do is be with others. Relationships with others often provoke, need and develop things like love, patience, hope, and self-forgetting for the sake of something greater than our own ego. These are spiritual things. We’ll talk about friendship, marriage, children and parents and siblings, and such things.

Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Being Human: Awake
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012

Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Doing the Good
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Doing the Good The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson-Doyle Reflections on the good life, and how to live it. What does it take to do the good? How do we overcome the challenges - ambiguity, addiction, adversaries, and the like - which get in the way? |

Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
The Problem of Evil
Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Why is there evil? Why do bad things happen? These questions, in part, give rise to religion but they also challenge religion. And though atheists get to escape some of this problem, they still must respond to this brute fact. We’ll reflect on the problem of evil and ask whether, given the reality of suffering, life is still a gift.