
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Dancing with the Infinite
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Dancing with the Infinite
The Rev. Suzelle Lynch
Psychoanalyst Carl Jung wrote, “The decisive question for man is: Is he related to the infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life.” We engage the beauty and the utility of mystery this morning as we imagine what dancing with the infinite has to offer us.

Monday Feb 18, 2013
It Matters Most What We Love
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
It Matters What We Love
The Rev. Sean Dennison
Join us as Sean explores Love as something deeper and stronger than just a feeling, a romantic ideal, or a vague overall goal. He’ll weave in Dr. King’s legacy and insistence that Love needs not only be active and strong, it is the only thing strong enough to overcome hate.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
A Space for Grace
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
January 13, 2013
A Space for Grace
Visiting Minister: The Rev. Dr. Dave Owen-O'Quill
The Rev. Dr. David Owen-O'Quill (more frequently referred to as Pastor Dave) has for the past 10 years dedicated his ministry to reaching the emerging un-churched population who are generally underserved by Unitarian Universalism. He has served in a diverse array of congregational settings including traditional, contemporary, and emergent. Whether pastoring to established churches, consulting with congregations about their future, or through his church-planting ministries, Pastor Dave brings a strong sense of mission, as well as powerful testimony to the spiritually transforming power of the Universalist gospel.

Monday Nov 26, 2012
Monday Nov 26, 2012
Monday Nov 26, 2012
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson-Doyle
Reflections on the practice of gratitude and the possibilities for joy in our lives.

Monday Nov 12, 2012
Making Democracy Work II
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Making Democracy Work II
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson-Doyle
We'll reflect on the results of the election and where we go from here. What are the next steps, locally, statewide, and nationally, to make our democracy stronger? How can we honor Veterans Day, and honor our hopes and dreams for our lives, through civic life?

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Making Democracy Work I
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Before the election, part I of reflections on our broken democracy and how to fix it. How can we learn to actually understand each other and cooperate even when we disagree?

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
We celebrate the lifting of veil between the worlds, as marked in ancient Celtic and contemporary pagan practice. In particular, this year, we explore the mysteries of birth and death. Where do we come from? Where do we go?

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Feast and Famine
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
How can some have so much food and some have so little? What are the true causes of famine and food insecurity? How can we transform, spiritually and materially, the way we think about and do “food” so that more of the world has something good to eat.

Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Taking Hate Seriously
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
A sermon delivered by our Minster Emeritus, the Rev. Dave Weissbard.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Luck, Grace, and the 47%
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
We are having a relatively* sophisticated national conversation about taxes and economic policy, but under these points of view are deep theological assumptions, which we are not talking about. Reflections on earned and unearned grace, the prosperity gospel, makers and takers, individualism and community, and who, really, built that. (*Relatively compared to our usual conversations, which are pretty shallow. It's a low bar.)