
Monday Apr 13, 2015
04/12/2015: Conscious Living
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Lou Ness, Executive Director of Shelter Care Ministries, joined us as a guest minister. She shared about the wonderful work that Shelter Care is doing in the Rockford community and her walk from Rockford to Washington, D.C., which she made to raise awareness for homelessness, in the spring of 2014.

Monday Apr 06, 2015
04/05/2015: Easter Sunday
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
Kick off this month's theme of "revelation" with our Easter Sunday service. The sanctuary will shine with the bright colors of spring, as will the faces of the kiddos as they hunt for eggs.

Monday Mar 30, 2015
03/29/2015: Let the Sunshine In
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Nic Cable
Ours is a radical faith built on the powerful notion of our interdependence. This interdependence is a sacred invitation for us to be a resilient people, a people committed to nurturing an abundant faith. We'll join in prayerful reflection on our resilience, interdependence, and generosity as our entire faith movement adapts in a radically changing world.

Monday Mar 23, 2015
03/22/2015: Surviving the Storm
Monday Mar 23, 2015
Monday Mar 23, 2015
In the face of climate change, how can we create and support the systems of resilience we need to adapt as a human race and as a planet?

Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
03/15/2015: Secrets & Confessions
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Rev. Carmen Emerson
It has been said that the secrets we carry will always -- in some way -- "leak" into our lives. We'll consider secrets, and reasons that Unitarian Universalists may benefit from a spiritual practice of "confession."

Monday Mar 09, 2015
03/08/2015: We Are More than Two / Somos Mucho Más que Dos
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
When we are with others in the common struggle, we form a community of resistance and resilience. How can that community both sustain us, and, at the same time, embrace change without excessive inertia?

Monday Mar 02, 2015
03/01/2015: Strength in Hard Times
Monday Mar 02, 2015
Monday Mar 02, 2015
What does it mean to be a people of resilience? Where do we find our courage, our strength, our help, when times are tough? Reflections on personal persevering, faith, and fortitude.

Monday Feb 23, 2015
02/22/2015: The Biggest House in the World
Monday Feb 23, 2015
Monday Feb 23, 2015
We live in a culture that encourages us to be devoted to acquisition and consumption. As the season of Lent begins in the Christian tradition, we'll reflect on what it might mean to have and do less, because we are devoted to something more worthy than things.

Monday Feb 16, 2015
02/15/2015: Devotion to Each Other
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Monday Feb 16, 2015
What makes a primary, romantic relationship healthy and long? Data has helped answer this question. I'll share some of what researchers are learning about the kind of devotion, behavior, and attitude that makes relationships - with spouses and lovers, as well as with friends and other family members - work well.

Monday Feb 02, 2015
02/01/2015: Say Your Devotions
Monday Feb 02, 2015
Monday Feb 02, 2015
Growing up as a Unitarian Universalist in the 1980's and 1990's, I was raised with no daily devotional practice. If I had been a Unitarian or a Universalist a hundred years ago, daily devotional practice, (in particular, prayer) would have been important and learned as a child. In our times, UUs are exploring a variety of devotional practices, from Pagan, Christian, Buddhist, and other traditions. We'll explore the what, the why, and the how of being a "people of devotion" to the spiritual life.
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