
Monday Mar 07, 2016

Monday Mar 07, 2016
03/06/2016: Favela
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
As we begin our month of Liberation, reflections on the pressing issue of our time - economic and racial justice - through the eyes of liberation theology. What does it mean to have a preferential option for the poor? What does it mean to become, in our day, woke?

Monday Feb 29, 2016
02/28/2016: The Wish to Soar That Gave the Gods Their Wings
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
Part of being human is the desire for connection and meaning. Sometimes this is called "the God-shaped hole" in our heart. Though that doesn't seem quite right, there is something in (many? all?) of us that longs for spiritual experiences. Reflections on holy unrest.

Monday Feb 22, 2016
02/21/2016: Human Touch
Monday Feb 22, 2016
Monday Feb 22, 2016
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
Reflections on our desire to touch and be touched. What does it mean that we are embodied beings, and that human contact matters? And how do we hold that desire in ways that are just and life-affirming?

Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Youth Testimonials
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Youth testimonials about Youth Con and Boston Coming-of-Age Trip.

Monday Feb 15, 2016
Youth Testimonials
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Youth testimonials about Youth Con and Boston Coming-of-Age Trip.

Monday Feb 15, 2016
02/14/2016: I Want You to Want Me: Cheap Trick Theology
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Intern Minister Misha Sanders
A Valentine to Rockford, through the words and stories of our hometown boys, Cheap Trick. We'll celebrate the accomplishments of a band that has stayed true to it's roots, and explore ways that we, as people of faith, can also honor Rockford and make it better just by our being here.

Monday Feb 08, 2016
02/07/2016: Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Is Also
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
Where do you put your treasures? Your spirit, your time, your money, your love? These precious gifts of your life - what do you use them for? Is that where you want your heart to be? What would it take to align your giving of time, energy, and wealth with your deepest desires for your life?

Monday Feb 01, 2016
01/31/2016: We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
In our organizations, families, and societies, we confront resistance to change. How do we skillfully deal with the resistance so that we might bring about the world in which we wish to live?

Monday Jan 25, 2016
01/24/2016: Ohm and Om
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
"Ohm" is the measurement of resistance in electricity. "Om" is the sacred chant of Hinduism, among others - the sound the universe itself makes. This got me thinking about energy and spirits and currents. How do we lower our Ohm's so we can experience more Om?
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